Browsing: Conspiracy or Not

Many of you know about Alex Jones.. He is not what he seems….He covers a lot of different topics on this radio show but most of his theories are “out-there” and rarely shows any evidence… Remember this guy reads news straight from the mainstream media outlets! I mean Alex Jones should know everything that the mainstream media releases is a complete fabrication which is far from the truth… I’m not trying to bash anyone from this post, but I’m just providing you with information which “could” point to Alex Jones being a CoIntelPro.. He could be working to disinform the public or to start a fake “revolution” which could be a planned trap by the New World Order?! William Cooper was one of the only true patriots who actually researched and talked about very important things on his radio show.. (The Hour of Time..) Here are two quick videos which might change your mind about Alex Jones

So after looking online into numerous topics about the Osama Bin Laden Conspiracy and Doing a Post on it yesterday.. He could have died back in December 2001 and of a kidney failure.. This was stated in a Egyptian Newspaper and even talked about his funeral… So I’m not saying he’s alive but who knows what the truth is.. But I know our government loves Photoshopping images and censoring things.. But there could be something way more serious is going on and this Osama Bin Laden “Death” could be a massive diversion to change the focus on the mainstream media outlets and most of the American people..

I don’t know how many times I seen on Facebook and on Youtube about people saying that they are “happy” that they caught Osama.

e all known that the Dollar is going to crash.. The question is when? The economy has survived the first “baby” crash but the upcoming financial disaster is much worse and most of us might not make it out alive… Our government has been spending so much money in the past a couple years… The money we already owe is almost impossible to “pay back” but no one ever talks about the Interest we have to pay on each dollar back to the Federal Reserve.. Our system runs on borrowing money and being in debt.. We just keep printing money which has no valve what so ever…. Our dollar use to be backed by the Gold Stranded but don’t worry our government has a new currency.. It’s called the AMERO for the North American Union… Canada, Mexico and the United States will form a community much like the EU.

I woke up today and seen everyone was talking about the capture of Osama Bin Laden… This was Obama’s “Big Announcement” More important than his fake birth certificate i guess.. Everyone on Facebook was posting about how they caught Osama and I post about how it’s fake and a distraction and then everyone claims that I’m “crazy..” Your telling me that our government/military which is the best in the world can’t find this Osama Bin Laden? But they can track you and immediately find you by using internet and high-tech military equipment. But they can’t find Osama which has been living in the Pakistan capital for over ten years! I remember the government saying he was hiding out in a cave somewhere in the mountains in Pakistan. I guess that turned out to be a lie as well.. So why is this story in the headlines??

We all know something is about to happen in the United States and across the globe… Lately the weather has been awful crazy. It rains in my state about 4 days out of the week. It never use to rain this much! It’s only the beginning…

Chemtrails have been a conspiracy for some time right now… They are REAL! I know for a fact! All you have to do is look in the sky on a clear day… You can see these airplanes that are way higher than commercial planes.. These planes have no markings and they go different ways than what the FAA dictates. So this is some type of military operation because they are spending a lot of money to do these “death dumps..” People also dismiss this theory by saying these Chemtrails are “Contrails” but that is false.. A Contrail is water vapor which DISSIPATES in the sky unlike Chemtrails which stay in the air for a good amount of time… Scientists and the government dismiss that these Chemtrails exist and they tell the public that these are “normal” occurrences from planes..

Lately there has been a lot of talk about Obama’s Birth Certificate… Donald Trump is spending his own money into this investigation.. He has sent people down to Hawaii to look-into this conspiracy.. Now Donald Trump said he can’t believe what he is finding down there but he also said he really doubts that Obama was a legal-born citizen.. Now if that’s true Obama has pulled off the greatest SCAM every in the history of the United States of America.. Our founding fathers are turning over in their graves right now.. This conspiracy is no longer a conspiracy, once Trump releases his information he will be ignored by the media and the government and labeled as “crazy.” This is already happening. What Will he find in Hawaii??

One of the most well known experiments was the Stanford prison experiment. “They” got a group of people and made some of them prisoners and some of them prison guards. They put them in a completely isolated “jail” with no way out. They claim that they wont get paid any money if they conduct any violence.. There are jail rules and many other things to insure that the prisoners or the guards are not “faking” any part of the experiment. There is a red light which if that comes on the experiment is over and they are told that you wont get paid.. They were only addressed by their “number” had to follow all rules and the guards had to be strict. The scientist conducted interviews prior to this experiment. He took many different types of people and used some as guards and some as prisoners.

As you know that the government has been blocking the legalization of Marijuana for decades. Its the alcohol and tobacco companies that have been secretly paying the government to block this legalization which would hurt their profits completely or even put them out of business … They have been doing research on this drug for sometime now and they never posted the results of the study.. What did they find?? That it reversed the growth cancer cells and kept the normal cells intact …

Our government is in a pact with corporations and other organizations to stop the legalization of this natural plant… I’m mean this stuff grows in the dirt just like the trees and plants of this world. What’s the big deal!?! If you kill someone you will get less time in prison than dealing marijuana…

Dr. Roger Leir has been removing extraterritorial implant from patients for a couple years now. Most of the abductees know they were implanted and know where it is on their body. Some also claim that it gives off radio-frequency which sets off alarms, phones and other electronic devices. One guy also stated that the device gave him “special powers.” I believe some of these alien abduction stories but after watching this one video by Dr. Leir, I have made up my mind.

These Sphere Sculptures have been popping up all across the world without any media coverage or any type of information about them. Are these a sign of 2012 or the New World Order? It looks if a new world is emerging from an “old world”, or a new planet breaking through the Earths surface; Ending the world as we know it…

We need to prepare for the upcoming Nuclear and Global Economic Melt Down which is in the process as we speak. The reactors at Fukushima have been emitting radiation since the 11th of March. The U.S Government claims that there is no radiation fall-out over the United States at all yet but I highly doubt that! They also claim that Japan is making the situation less toxic than it really is. So what is the real damage? The truth of the matter is that it’s going to make the dollar much less valuable, food prices, imports, cars, and other things…

Lets put this debate to an end… September 11, 2001 was the “attack” on the World Trade Centers which changed the world forever. Not for the better, not for safety and definitely not for the citizens.. Many new laws and executive orders had been created since 9/11. Our rights have been stripped and our privacy has been invaded!

George Bush Sr. On September 11th, 1992 spoke to the nation on live TV asking to forge a New World Order. Now George W Bush Jr. Was the president during September 11th 2001. What a weird coincidence??