Browsing: Hidden

I’m not sure if many of you have heard about this conspiracy theory… It’s about our road signs having secret “military codes” hidden on the signs. This refers to a reflective sticker that is placed on the rear of these signs.. Well I have CONFIRMED this story with my own eyes and you can too. It’s simple go drive around town as a passenger in the car of course and look at the back of the signs. The most popular one I have found is in front of a store like Walgreen’s, Rite Aid or Somewhere else that does Vaccinations and Photo IDs… Now if it’s like the one by my house there is a sign pointing to the two different roadways. But it just so happens to be pointing directly into the store and there is one of these reflective stickers on this sign.. This is for when they “round up” everyone to be vaccinated and get a “new” government ID..