Year: 2011

Earthquakes are on the rise and so are natural disasters.. We found out that earthquakes did increase over 60% by using data by USGS and ANSS graphs.. Where will the next big earthquake occur?

Water Fluoridation Doesn’t Fight Cavities! Neither does it protect our teeth.. In-fact it’s mostly pharmaceutical waste which is turned into this magical drug called Fluoride… There is Fluoride in our toothpaste and there is warnings on the label not to ingest it.. We also know that many foods already have Fluoride in them, ill include the document below.. Here is some undeniable evidence that our government is trying to make us submissive by using this drug in our water supply and other products..

Before we get into the conspiracy behind Project Blue Beam, I have some important but interesting information about the two…

By Anna Richardson £119 bet on the End of the World at odds over 1,000,000:1 With the World as yet…