Browsing: Lies & Hoaxes

Water Fluoridation Doesn’t Fight Cavities! Neither does it protect our teeth.. In-fact it’s mostly pharmaceutical waste which is turned into this magical drug called Fluoride… There is Fluoride in our toothpaste and there is warnings on the label not to ingest it.. We also know that many foods already have Fluoride in them, ill include the document below.. Here is some undeniable evidence that our government is trying to make us submissive by using this drug in our water supply and other products..

Many of you know about Alex Jones.. He is not what he seems….He covers a lot of different topics on this radio show but most of his theories are “out-there” and rarely shows any evidence… Remember this guy reads news straight from the mainstream media outlets! I mean Alex Jones should know everything that the mainstream media releases is a complete fabrication which is far from the truth… I’m not trying to bash anyone from this post, but I’m just providing you with information which “could” point to Alex Jones being a CoIntelPro.. He could be working to disinform the public or to start a fake “revolution” which could be a planned trap by the New World Order?! William Cooper was one of the only true patriots who actually researched and talked about very important things on his radio show.. (The Hour of Time..) Here are two quick videos which might change your mind about Alex Jones

So after looking online into numerous topics about the Osama Bin Laden Conspiracy and Doing a Post on it yesterday.. He could have died back in December 2001 and of a kidney failure.. This was stated in a Egyptian Newspaper and even talked about his funeral… So I’m not saying he’s alive but who knows what the truth is.. But I know our government loves Photoshopping images and censoring things.. But there could be something way more serious is going on and this Osama Bin Laden “Death” could be a massive diversion to change the focus on the mainstream media outlets and most of the American people..

I don’t know how many times I seen on Facebook and on Youtube about people saying that they are “happy” that they caught Osama.