Browsing: Debt

Now have you ever said to yourself; Wow people are really dumb? If so then you noticed the latest trend that is happening across America as we speak.. The goal is to dumb-down the society in which we live in by using the Public School System, TV/Movies, Mainstream Media and even the Food Supply! The government has every plan to make the citizens more suppressive.. By using Fluoride in water and food, By using Chemtrails in the skies and even using Genetically Modified Food to alter the way you function.. Some people may ask; Why? But if you have to ask why then you are one of these “zombies” which who believes and does everything the government says.. The main goal of all this conditioning is for you to accept this New World Order!

Ever since the last “recession” and the huge bailouts that were given to corporations by the government was only the beginning of something much worse! It’s Here People!! The depression, hyper-inflation and the upcoming food crisis that the whole world will face starting off with America! Trust me people! Ever since the Nuclear disaster in Japan our food supply have never been more threatened than ever! They already found radiation in Milk, Strawberries and all the other naturally growing foods including fish, chicken and beef.. Our government doesn’t want to admit it yet but there is always a cover-up involving these natural disasters. It already has been labeled way worse than Chernobyl and schools in Korea have been closing due to radioactive rain..

We need to prepare for the upcoming Nuclear and Global Economic Melt Down which is in the process as we speak. The reactors at Fukushima have been emitting radiation since the 11th of March. The U.S Government claims that there is no radiation fall-out over the United States at all yet but I highly doubt that! They also claim that Japan is making the situation less toxic than it really is. So what is the real damage? The truth of the matter is that it’s going to make the dollar much less valuable, food prices, imports, cars, and other things…